Are You Prepared to Survive in the Wilderness Alone? “Natural Shelter, Blend In”

What would you do if circumstances forced you into the woods alone, with little or no provisions?

Are you prepared to handle these scenarios? What if the SHTF and you must run?

These videos show how you can quickly build reliable shelter, even by yourself with no supplies or equipment.

Yes, they are crude, but with skill and preparation, they can withstand extreme weather and provide a base camp that will support survival in many situations.

Over the course of 48-hours, Lucas P. the Survival Dude, takes on the challenge of going it solo in the woods with only a sleeping bag, hatchet and a couple other things.

In short term situations, shelter, water and warmth are more important that food, which takes more than a few days to hit critical.

Lucas moves quick to build a shelter out of branches against a protective rock in a heavily forested area. He resists the urge to spend his limited time and resources on the first day making a fire – which he later starts with a firebow. On day two, he locates a good stream for water.

This man from Bushcraft Quebec shows how to build a “natural shelter” in a few hours using wood and leaves and an existing tarp – preferably with the help of a few others, but alone if necessary. Basically, the sticks are shaped into a tee pee or dome shape, and leaves are fitted in to fill in the walls around it, leaving a narrow opening for entrance/exit.

The “bushcraft” shelter is constructed using surrounding resources, and comes with a built in camouflage that will help it to blend with the surroundings and diverts potentially unwanted attention away from your dwelling.

Inside, there is room for a fire, protection from the rain, and plenty of room for bedding and supplies.

With the right upkeep, it could last for a prolonged period of time if needed.

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by Mac Slavo

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