The following products are the basic items a prepper can use that will help prepare to live and thrive in the aftermath of a disaster. These products encompass your very basic needs and will provide you with the beginnings of a solid collection of prepping tools.
Many of us made the stark realization of just how dependent we are on our modern conveniences quickly following a disaster. It seems that only when the lights go out and the stove won’t turn on, or the air conditioner doesn’t cool down the house do we even think about being more prepared for these setbacks. The above mentioned was my personal realization eight years ago when my family and I went through the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. I had three small children under the age of 5 and had to deal with the municipal water being questionable, not having a way to prepare food, having to use flashlights as a way of getting through the night. I’ll be honest, we couldn’t even maintain our basic needs continuously for two weeks. This was my husband’s and my “ah ha” moment. After that event, we made the decision to never go through a disaster under prepared again and quickly began prepping for disasters and found ourselves on a life-changing path.

As many of you know, when you first begin prepping, you start small by preparing your family for short-lived events. As you continue on, you acquire more skills and preps that will undoubtedly see you through longer-term disasters. In the eight years that I have been prepping, these are the eight preparedness products that I would recommend to any beginner prepper. With the exception of the food dehydrator, many of these items are off-grid compatible and will meet your most basic needs.
Assuming you are planning to shelter in place, these suggested products will encompass your very basic needs and provide you with the beginnings of a solid collection of prepping tools. Not included in this list are other essentials like storable bulk pantry foods, emergency communication, necessary bug out tools, emergency medical needs and home security. For a full list of preparedness items, I encourage you to purchase The Prepper’s Blueprint. It is one of the most comprehensive and easy-to-follow preparedness manuals out there.
8 Prepper Tools to Get You Through a Disaster
1. Water Purification System

First and foremost, you need a dependable water source following a disaster. During the aftermath of Hurricane Ike, I remember being so thirsty, but we didn’t trust the water sources and had to be very careful with rationing the bottled water we had. Years later, we purchased a Berkey water filter to use for any future off-grid emergencies. The Berkey filtration system is top of the line and the filters that Berkey uses exceed EPA NSF/ANSI standards for filtration and are rated as water purifiers. As well, another reason we invested in a Berkey Water Filtration system is that it removes bacteria and parasites, heavy metals like lead and mercury, VOCs (endocrine disruptors) and toxic chemicals like benzene, chlorine, and chromium-6 to levels higher than 99.99%. As well, the fluoride/arsenic filters remove 95% of fluoride and arsenic. You can make your own filtration system or you can purchase an always ready, dependable purification system.
2. Excalibur Food Dehydrator

This food dehydrator is probably one of the most used of all of my preparedness tools. This tool is a great way to quickly amp up your food storage pantry with dried goods and prepare for the likelihood of living in an off-grid environment. When you dehydrate food and meals, all you have to do is add water and viola; you have an instant meal. I originally purchased a Nesco dehydrator when I first started prepping and quickly invested in an Excalibur food dehydrator. Mark my words, this product is built to last and is a great investment for your preparedness efforts.
3. Hibachi Cast Iron Stove

Admittedly,I first read about the cast iron stoves when I was reading Little House on the Prairie to my kids. Of course, some changes have been made since that time. These grills could be a great way to cook your food without using precious propane or other fuels. Charcoal briquettes are typically used in heating these grills, but you could use hot coals from a fire or biomass briquettes. These small grills run for about $100 and if need be could be placed in a fireplace to cook indoors. Just make sure to use an indoor friendly fuel source (not briquettes) and open the flue to let the smoke out.
4. Hand Crank Wheat Grinder

You’ll be the talk of the neighborhood when you’re the one baking fresh bread when the lights go out. But grinding wheat isn’t the only use a wheat grinder has. You can grind legumes, nuts and other bulky grains and dry goods into fine flours, grind up spices and even grind up your favorite coffee beans. Read more wheat grinder uses here. Investing in a hand crank wheat grinder, like the Wondermill Jr. is a sound prepping investment and will ensure that you have the capability of using this tool in an off-grid event. (And, don’t worry. I’ve used hand-crank grinders before and they aren’t as hard as they look.)
5. Wonderbag

Essentially, this is a non-electric slow cooker. This cooking source utilizes heat retention cooking methods which are a very fuel-efficient method and allows you to cook inside your home. It’s been known to save between 20-80% of the energy normally needed to cook food. It does so because after the food has been heated to the cooking temperature, it is placed in an insulated box where it will continue to cook until it is done. Essentially it’s like a crockpot, but it’s double insulated.
6. Sprouter

When an extended or longer-term emergency occurs, you will need to find a fast way to produce vitamins in order to maintain proper functioning in your body and avoid malnutrition. Pound for pound, sprouts are the way to achieve this. Sprouts provide the highest amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and enzymes of any of the food per unit of calorie. Enzymes are essential because they heal the body, cleanse the body, prevent diseases, enhance the general functioning of bodily organs, aid in digestion, and remove gas from the stomach. Don’t forget a good non-GMO seed combination.
7. Non-GMO Heirloom Quality Seeds

In a true SHTF-event, you will run out of your food stores and will need a backup. Seeds are your salvation. Not only can you grow them for future food sources, but you can also use the above-listed sprouter and sprout most of them (never sprout nightshade family seeds like tomato and eggplant) for further nutrients. Make sure the seeds you choose are suitable to grow in your area. Learn how to properly store seeds to keep them fresh.
8. Portable Toilet

Well, the you-know-what has hit the fan! It is a documented fact that more people die after a disaster due to poor sanitation than from the disaster itself. This is due to individuals not knowing where or how to properly expel waste. Fly infestations also pose a problem, and if the waste is left out in the open, then it will only lead to the susceptibility of epidemics such as cholera, typhoid or diphtheria. Having a means dispersing of human waste will ensure that in times of disaster, your family and neighbors will stay healthy. Further, create a sanitation kit with the items listed here.
To conclude, when you get to the point of wanting to take a more self-reliant approach in your prepping endeavors, you see the need to invest in tools that can help you meet your basic needs. I will admit that preparedness is an investment, but a necessary one. You do not want to be in a situation where you cannot meet your family’s basic needs. These fundamental preparedness products will help you thrive in a time of chaos and may see you through darker days.

source : Tess Pennington